A World of Stories
Enrich every child’s world with books in their language
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HistoryEveryone should get to experience the joy of reading

But there are so many people who cannot share the same bonding experience with the children in their lives because books in their language are missing from the collection.

State Library Victoria is determined to bring more books in languages other than English to our children’s collection. We need to raise $100,000 to double our collection to meet the needs of our community.

This will have an incredible impact on the more than 330,000 children and families who visit the Pauline Gandel Children’s Quarter at State Library Victoria every year.

Get InvolvedConnecting with culture and identity

Reading a book together strengthens the emotional bond between children and the adults who care for them. Stories can help us actively engage in children’s early development, and shape children’s understanding of the world and their place within it. For multilingual families, reading stories from their homeland allows them to share their culture and traditions with the children in their lives.

Dorene moved to Australia from the Philippines 10 years ago and has found visiting the Library to be an important part in her daughter Grace’s connection to her heritage.

‘I want her to learn more about Filipino traditions. We try to read her a lot of books in Tagalog, so having access to these in the Library has helped her learn so much,’ Dorene says.

‘One day I would like her to read books in Tagalog on her own so she can learn more about my culture, which is also her culture, and have pride in her identity.’

Your gift will help more children like Grace connect to their heritage and culture. Please give generously today.